Nov 6, 2024 by John McGlone
Some are saying we should close the book on the last four years. I say we keep the book opened so the true traitors and terrorists are removed from our government starting from the top down. Many Republicans are saying, “We are just looking for a peaceable transition.”. The democrats and their mindless minions are definitely not. They should be put through impeachments for their national, state, local, and individual crimes. This is part of the problem of our system. There is an Achilles heel of sorts legally for all these corporate communistic scoundrels on every level of our government. The individual legal citizens of these United States have standing in their counties, state, and Federal courts. What we have to learn is that lawyers don’t know everything, and that we have individual rights to file for redress in our system for any and all cases that are filed with the court system. I am hoping to learn more on this that I may share with the remnant of Christians in our nation that we may effect real changes that challenge the heathen that seek to destroy our Constitutions and Bill of Rights.
I saw this image plastered all over the social media platforms as Trump secured PA. The first thing I thought in my spirit is the 70 Million little babies that have been chopped up in our country while the church for the most part stood by and did nothing. It still astonishes me. My girlfriend and I murdered our baby at 3 months gestation in 1979, where was the church to try and stop it? Her parents were Roman Catholics, that facilitated me sharing a bedroom with their daughter in their home. Why didn’t they take a stand against that? I didn’t want her to get saline abortion but I paid for it. I am so thankful for God’s mercy toward me that I will able to meet them and beg them for forgiveness. I hope she makes it to the foot of the cross before she dies as well
Gen 4:10
“And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground.”

1 COR 15:34
If the blood of Abel cried out to God from the ground, then what does 70 Million babies crying out to Him from the JUDGMENT GROUNDS of the of our country sound like? Do you really sing God bless America with a clear conscience?
Have we so quickly forgotten what we’ve done as a nation? Have you EVER been to an abortion clinic to preach, witness, plead, offer adoption into your family for whatever murderous mother passes you by? If you’re a Christian and you have NOT, you stand REBUKED IN JESUS’ NAME. Please don’t tell me that’s not your gifting or calling, you’re a hypocrite. Repent of your apathy towards the oppressed and orphans of this world.
I haven’t forgotten that Kentucky’s Democratic governor has stolen two elections in an overwhelming conservative state.
I haven’t forgotten a majority of Republicans including ditch the Mitch McConnell played us on Jan 6, 2020 after Trump told us to go to the Capitol and take our government back. Mostly we peacefully protested. Mostly the government colluded to overthrow the will of the people.
I haven’t forgotten both Democrats and impotent Republicans refused to view all of the 44,000 hours of video of the ‘insurrection’? When will this be processed by the House Judicial Committee?
I haven’t forgotten the true insurrection was by the politicos who still have 800 people in the POW camp in the DC GULAG.
I haven’t forgotten that Donald Trump has never visited any of those political prisoners. I wonder now if POTUS Trump will pardon them.
I haven’t forgotten that we still have dozens of anti abortion preachers in jail all over the country. Cal Zastrow is the latest one to be railroaded, will Trump pardon them?
I haven’t forgotten the heads of the CIA, FBI, NSA. WHO, CDC, FDA, etc., ad infinitum have been completely lawless disregarding the will of the people in so many areas. Should they be held accountable for their wicked unconstitutional thuggery by the new red wing Senate and House Judiciary Committees?
I haven’t forgotten that the Trump administration initiated operation Warp speed, which used our military to distribute the toxic vaccines all over country as the people were biochemically poisoned by our own medical system with the approval of our leaders.
I haven’t forgotten how the Obiden crime family has engineered the war in the Ukraine as a dirty money ponzi scheme to test weapons technology and clear the coffers of our Military Industrial Complex. Meanwhile we are on the brink of WW3 with Russia, China, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, might as well say every Muslim country, N. Korea because of these stupid risky military decisions.
I haven’t forgotten that Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)* that developed and fed that poison system to our enemies the COMMIE CCP government. Who in turn infected their own people who then facilitated the infection of the whole world by allowing international flights within their country to destinations all over the western world. Keep in mind this is with our very own biochemical warfare originated from our own wicked Defense Department. Also, keep in mind the democrats were out in the streets defending these Chinese movements…
I haven’t forgotten how communist corporations like Amazon, Lowe’s, Walmart, Starbucks etc. participated in the largest MK Ultra worldwide overthrow of the individual civil and health rights during their planned epidemic. Many doctors including the virologist Dr. Judy Mikovits who have been slandered and bullied by her own colleagues, medical system, and government for exposing the facts behind vaccines that have been harming our nation’s children and people for decades.* Do you remember that up to 50% of the medical professionals were fired and forced out of their hospitals and practices for not being willing to take these deadly shots? Now the NIH claims there was only 20-25% of HCW nurses hesitated to take the vaccines.* Do those numbers include the ones that were forced against their will? How about the ones that were fired for their outright refusal of the jabs on religious, moral, or health grounds? This paper asserts that 100,000 nurses died because they did not take the vaccine. But other research suggests these numbers are mostly people that died from the vaccines. It seems the entire American government is skewed to favor the idea that vaccines are good for everyone and protect the liabilities that the multi Trillion dollar Pharma corps who have installed their puppets within the system. These vaccines have not proven to be good for our people, especially for children who seem to have super immune systems when it comes to these deadly biological attacks. Do you remember the days after the announcement of this epidemic there were social distancing/mask signs appearing everywhere? How did these corporations know about this to have these printed and distributed worldwide so quickly?
I haven’t forgotten that our Democrat Governor Andy Beshear has stolen two elections in an overwhelming conservative state. I haven’t forgotten that the Governor tried, by executive order, force the citizens, the children, and grandchildren of KY to submit to vaccines, face masks, and social distancing simply because he asserts he has emergency health authority without the legislatures consenting in such an ’emergency’. I haven’t forgotten when Dandy Andy stood out in a large BLM crowd with no mask, encouraging the lawlessness. I remember when he stood with a group of transexuals in governors mansion approving of what God calls an abomination. This the moronic nonsense that his administration have foisted upon the people.
I haven’t forgotten BLM Black Lives Matter rioting all over the country with antifa burning buildings attacking and killing people all the while chanting their wicked mantra, “F___ the Police”, and “Kill the Police”.
I could go on and on and on…The Bible tells us to REMEMBER!
LUKE 17:32
Remember Lot’s wife.