July 2, 2019

As we are about to celebrate Independence Day, I am reminded of the many forces that are seeking the annihilation of our way of life in America from ANTIFA, illegal immigration, Planned Parenthood, drug cartels, corrupt politicians, the LGBTQP agendas, etc. In my photo above my friend and I are holding up the U.S. flag upside down in accordance with the flag law indicating severe distress for our countrymen. We held this alongside a picture of one of our youngest and most innocent citizens having been murdered through legal infanticide called abortion.

I have wrestled for years with the ideas of self defense vs being harmless as doves when it comes to preaching the Gospel on the streets of America. The civil rights movement led by Martin Luther King, Jr. in the early 60’s epitomized one very important characteristic that, I believe, will give us the victory in today’s crisis. They were passively resistant to the KKK racist, the corrupt government officials, etc. Change in racial hatred in America came through all of us watching black folks young and old alike being beaten, bitten by police dogs, firehosed, etc on our televisions.

How did we get here? Sin, sin, sin has brought the Judgment of God upon our nation. I have preached for only 15 years and my conclusion is that as God raises an army of laborers, the devil has raised an army of his own soldiers as well to respond to the Word of God going forth and power in the Holy Spirit, Hallelujah!
I think we have definitely come to a point in our culture war where it will break out in actual carnal warfare by liberal and conservative forces like; ANTIFA, BLAM, PROUD BOYS, PEDIGO, etc. if Christians remain oblivious to what is tearing at the fabric or our society and families. This ignorance of what is happening right outside our doors is alarming! As we continue to refuse to engage the sin and the sinners all around us it will lead to sinners barging into public meetings, churches, and ultimately our very own homes to physically take what the devils have already spiritually taken in most of us.
Ironically, a few years after establishing the civil rights movement by the law in the early 60’s our country then turned around and established the legal genocide of the most vulnerable of our citizens, that is unborn babies, in the early 70’s with Roe vs. Wade.

As alarmingly is watching Christians respond to these physical, religious, and political threats with brawling, cursing, mace, and other carnal tactics and weaponry. Jesus is the Lamb of God, who then sent His disciples out as sheep among the wolves. Time has not changed this commission for believers to go out. What did we expect would happen to us by lifting up the Name of Jesus Christ and publicly preaching? Of course, we would be despised, cursed, , spit upon, doxxed, stalked, beaten, and even killed. There is no other course for Christians but to abide by the time tested and Biblical mandates to do harm to no man.
Here in the following video are Christians at a PRIDE event in Hamilton, ON, CA. It sure seems they came for a carnal fight the way some of them have dressed in battle gear. Keep in mind it is very difficult to see the instigators in this situation. It looks like mostly they are trying to defend their rights to assemble, speech, property, and the press while the police stand around and allow this to escalate.
Here is another video of the same group which is basically being run all over Toronto fleeing for their lives because ANTIFA/homosexuals are tracking and stalking them all over the city using social medias. This is quite an astonishing and effective weapon/tactic the children of the devil have developed.
This battle that ANTIFA wages by the suppression of our freedoms will never be won by Christians responding with apathy or carnal warfare. In the video below apparently, the two older men who were attacked by these left wing thugs did nothing but try and help a homosexual before they were viciously beaten.
In summary, a few conclusions: 1. We should seek to lay down our lives for Christ, the Gospel, and our fellow man versus seeking carnal warfare that will leave people maimed and murdered on both sides. 2. Our strategy should be to preach the Gospel as we see demonstrated in the Word of God. Use His Word, His tactics, and His will as you go out into a world that hates God and His servants. 3. We should seek to have our government classify ANTIFA for what they are, a domestic terrorists group that is a bully arm of the Democratic political machine, and the LGBTQP movement. 4. If you have any interactions with this dangerous group ensure you are documenting with video/audio then have them criminally charged, then follow up civil lawsuits to ensure their community figures out this will cost the individual.