by John McGlone
I saw a Facebook thread by my friend Cassie Colleen asking everyone the great spiritual question, “What would u say to my friends face to face who either don’t believe or believe what they want about God?”
I replied, “This is a standard way I approach, friends, family, or strangers…on the phone, in the market, on the bus, wherever I go.” Then I gave her the following series of points outlining a basic way I do personal witnessing. I have developed this beginning with Ray Comfort’s, ‘Way of the Master’ using the law but going further personally which is very simple and easy to do as the Holy Ghost guides you.
1. Hi, intro…chit chat nice weather, etc .
2. Can I ask you a very serious personal question? They almost always say yes!
3. God forbid if you died today and stood before Jesus Christ, would you be guilty or innocent?
4. If they say guilty, you agree and ask them what the Judge of the universe Jesus will do with them.
4a. If they say I don’t know…explain what Jesus taught in the Bible.
4b. If they say throw me into hell, say, “Doesn’t that concern you?”
4c. If they say guilty, but Jesus forgives me. Ask them how?
5. If they say innocent, ask them why.
5a. If they say because I do good things, explain that Jesus taught that no one’s good works will get them heaven.
5b. If they say because Jesus died for my sins, AGREE!
6. Encourage them to truly repent of all sin, ask for forgiveness, mercy, and relationship with Him. Tell them to keep doing that until the Holy Ghost has confirmed that they are born again and forgiven. Then they need to love Jesus with obedience, draw near to Him for mercy, and give Him the glory with their lives that He deserves, pray, study, share their faith!
Of course there could be many ways this could go! But, let the Lord lead your answers. But, the first very serious personal question opens things up because:
1. You’re compassionate, you said, “God forbid you died today…”
2. You brought up the issue of death no one wants to speak about.
3. You mentioned the Name of Jesus! It’s powerful! “…stood before Jesus Christ,”
4. You are asking them to judge themselves, “…would you be guilty or innocent.” I’ve had people go silent for 2-3 minutes! I can hear them pondering this question in their mind and heart before their conscience and the Lord! Very exciting!
Once in a while a person will harden their heart from the beginning of the question. But, I would say the success rate is 80-90% Are they converted, mostly not then, but you have done your part.
1 Cor 3:6-9
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.
They mostly always want more information…etc. Get their contact information! Putting the major parts of this on flash cards and # them in order will help you to remember. One you start practicing this you will be hooked on fishing for men!
Hope this helps. God bless you as you seek to fish for men and women for Jesus’ glory!
Taking Time to Plow, Plant, and Water with Salesmen, Technicians, Pollsters, and other Souls Online, the Phone or Anywhere!
Jesse White
Maytag introduced its spokesman as “the loneliest guy in town” in 1967, in a campaign created by its ad agency at the time, Leo Burnett Chicago. Jesse White played the role for more than two decades, filming 68 commercials as the character who cultivates habits such as solitaire, crossword puzzles and bead work because he is rarely called upon to repair a machine. He would also come to be known as “Ol’ Lonely.”
We have several refrigerators/freezers in our home, which get abused sometimes and I have to order parts for them. I started an online chat with a Sears Parts Support Technician, named Spencer, I really enjoyed chatting with him from the beginning of our interaction. But, you will see by the end of our conversation, I purposely turned the conversation to spiritual things. I try to take the time to do this with anyone who I need to call for help, or someone who calls to sell or petition me at home. Have you ever gotten a call from India? I have and they believe in jesus, but their jesus is just one of millions of gods. God knows what He can do in a person’s heart in that land by simple obedience of the saints to be unashamed of Jesus. I hope they will be sober enough to listen to my Gospel presentation, so that we may see them in eternity. One concept that freed me up in evangelism twelve years ago is the subtitle above; plowing, planting, watering with God granting the increase. This is biblical and I realized that I didn’t have to get a ‘convert’ right there but to disciple myself and other believers that we would be about the spiritual agronomy of our Father’s business planting and watering. So, you can see by the end of the conversation we were really interacting on an intimate yet spiritual level even though I don’t know him from Adam. As we ended our call, I wondered after him with compassion, hope,and a prayer that he will actually seek first the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added to him.
Spencer (23:20:36 GMT) : Hello John!
Spencer (23:20:43 GMT) : Welcome to Sears parts sales department! What parts may I order for you?
john mcglone (23:20:44 GMT) : FFHS2611LWHA we need the bottom door shelf
Spencer (23:20:51 GMT) : Thank you for the model number.
john mcglone (23:20:52 GMT) : hey spencer!
john mcglone (23:20:58 GMT) : welcome
Spencer (23:21:01 GMT) : How are you doing?
john mcglone (23:21:05 GMT) : good you?
Spencer (23:21:18 GMT) : Me too good, thank you for asking!
Spencer (23:21:25 GMT) : I will be glad to help you locating the door shelf for you.
john mcglone (23:21:34 GMT) : gr8t….[we had much going back and forth at this point finding two different shelves for two different models, so I’ll cut to the end of the chat]
Gordon Jump The actor who first became known as station manager Arthur Carlson on the sitcom “WKRP in Cincinatti” took over the Maytag repairman role from Jesse White in 1989 and starred in the company’s commercials until 2003.
Spencer (23:30:25 GMT) :
Spencer (23:30:30 GMT) : Please click on above link. john mcglone (23:30:59 GMT) : Thanks that’s great! One last question? Spencer (23:31:35 GMT) : Sure, John. john mcglone (23:32:49 GMT) : Ok gr8, God forbid if you died today and stood before Jesus Christ, would you be guilty or innocent? john mcglone (23:34:49 GMT) : Spencer? Spencer (23:35:03 GMT) : I am sorry, I think I will be guilty. Spencer (23:35:21 GMT) : I was thinking about it. john mcglone (23:35:36 GMT) : Okay, if you are guilty where would you go? Good to think carefully about your soul… Spencer (23:37:04 GMT) : I think he is kind enough and if I will beg for pardon, I will be forgiven. john mcglone (23:37:43 GMT) : JUDGMENT DAY is not where you get mercy. Mercy must be had in this life while you breathe here or you will be condemned. That is according to the Bible. Spencer (23:38:15 GMT) : I totally agree, John! john mcglone (23:38:16 GMT) : He is kind enough to offer you pardon through Jesus Christ now. The Bible says, ‘Today is the day of salvation…” Spencer (23:38:41 GMT) : Very true! john mcglone (23:38:44 GMT) : I’m glad you do. You’ve been born again of the Holy Ghost? Spencer (23:39:50 GMT) : I am planning to. john mcglone (23:40:40 GMT) : What if you die before you surrender? Spencer (23:41:12 GMT) : With gods grace, very soon that will happen. Spencer (23:41:16 GMT) : Hope you are a blessing to others john mcglone (23:41:45 GMT) : I hope that I am as well. Will you check this link? Spencer (23:41:55 GMT) : Sure, John! john mcglone (23:41:56 GMT) : put it in your smart phone! Spencer (23:42:00 GMT) : Thank you very much! john mcglone (23:42:12 GMT) : You’re welcome, I care about you. john mcglone (23:42:20 GMT) : Love Jesus, Hate Evil! Spencer (23:42:45 GMT) : I’m glad to see that someone isn’t afraid to address such a topic. Spencer (23:42:54 GMT) : It was really nice chatting with you. Spencer (23:43:01 GMT) : Have a great evening ahead! john mcglone (23:43:13 GMT) : It’s so important! Nice talking to you as well. I hope to see you in the Kingdom of Christ! Spencer (23:43:29 GMT) : Me too, John! Take care! john mcglone (23:43:32 GMT) : Good bye Spence…
Dear friend in Christ if you look at the ‘hook’ highlighted in red above you will find that it is an excellent spiritual question which; brings about the hard topic of death, urgency of ‘today’, shows compassion[God forbid], names the Name of Christ, and asks them to judge themselves whether they be guilty or innocent[appeal to the conscience/law]. This gives them time to really think about their own life IF they stood before God today. Then you will see the fishing line of the blue highlighted question, “If you are guilty, where will you go, heaven or hell?” Which really is an attention grabber and opens them up to humble interactions.
Saints, I hope you are encouraged and edified with these concepts/ideas and practice and implementing them right away. Lastly, you will find this works anywhere, anytime, with anyone of any religion, cultural, or experiential background. Try it in line at Walmart, Lowes, at the auto repair shop, school, your ‘church’, etc.
May God bless you with many Kingdom rewards for His glory!